Michael, where do I start? You have made an impact on me I wish I could describe in words. Every time I talk with you or hear you speak, I learn so much and am inspired to be a better person, husband, leader and parent, “Showtime” is something I have written in so many different notebooks to remind myself I need to always be at my best and that I am in the spotlight with family, team members and the community. Never stop being you and making a difference and a positive impact on everyone around you. I am so fortunate to know you and only hope I can make a comparable impact on you and others to extend your legacy, goodwill, teachings, and amazingness! To our future together and apart, keeping your spirit everywhere possible – Scott Mayer, Ambulatory Management Solutions
I just have to reach out and let you know how much of an impact you’ve had on me since you spoke to our company. Thank you for a truly unforgettable and forever impactful day. You are an incredible human being who touches many more people than you will ever know. -Elena Abdeen, Director of Marketing, WJA
Your presence is always a present and a constant reminder of my potential as a business leader, wife, Mom and friend. I was especially appreciative of your feedback to “just do it!” and not say I’m going to ask a question. I struggle to not always come across as tough/hard. The reminder to have authenticity will allow my warm side to appear. Thank you! – Jen Guidi
Michael, Thank you again for the lesson on being excellent. You epitomize excellence by bringing your energy and making it personalized for all of us. I was truly excited to see you today, and you rose to the occasion and some. The cherry on top was the reminder about Act II. Thank you! Best, -Michael Episcope
First and foremost, thank you for your excellent presentation. This is my third time hearing from you, and I learned more today than the prior two for some reason. Your passion is infectious. I will work on the following two items: 1. Stop being so monotone and be more dynamic, 2. Hot opening and closing! – Tyler Qualio
Was great to work on my presentation skills. So many tactical issues. Have forgotten about the power of speech> Always need to continue on filler words. Need to take a breath and remember it is more powerful to honor others rather than talk about me. Thank you for the time! – Tony Casale
I appreciate the focus on always being at my best. I need to live this to other people on my leadership team. I am going to focus on always being a hot open. I will find ways to honor people in every meeting I have. I will receive compliments more graciously. – Ryan Hunt
Michael, Every time I have the privilege to be with you it jump starts my soul and sense of humanity. Thank you for all you do and who you are! -Mark Aistrope
"Thank you very much for taking the time to share your detailed feedback with myself and my team. I can honestly say that I have not met anyone more committed to the art form of note taking, accurate feedback, and encouragement than you and I do appreciate that while you clearly do many of these programs, you do not forsake the opportunity to do them well with personal touches. Yesterday’s meeting was helpful for my team. I am confident that we will grow and improve as a result of your candid feedback and coaching.
-Simon Pranaitis, EP Clinical Development, Abbott
"Michael is the most inspirational speaker that we have ever heard. He flawlessly managed to keep a crowd of 300 glued to their seats without being distracted by modern technology – a testament of his engaging personality! His message truly resonated and has become a mantra for our organization and team to “make every day your best day." Barbara Schaefer McDuffie
"How could any speaker be that mesmerizing? You awakened a desire for learning that I haven’t felt in many years. I know you were using the tools you explained to us, and there’s more to it than that. You are an outstanding educator. You certainly made me realize and understand such skill and power can be taught. Perhaps I, nor anyone in our group, could ever achieve the skill level you have, but if we could capture 50% if that ability, we would all become better speakers, better leaders, and better providers. We are all curious to learn more. I think that is the greatest compliment we could ever give you. Donald H. Combs, Chief Operating Office, Diachemix, LLC
"Thank you for spending the day with us. Aside from the importance of being fully present and engaged in the task at hand, my key takeaway was actually your preparation; it was clear that you prepared for the day and continued to do so throughout. It was an excellent demonstration and always-helpful reminder of what good preparation looks like and the impact it can have. Weaving best practices into your talk track is one thing, but it is quite another to demonstrate those best practices – both genuinely and consistently." Jackson Ebbesen, EP Specialist, Abbott
"His passion for helping people be the best version of themselves along with his honest, supportive, and positive style made you feel so uncomfortably comfortable. He made you feel at ease and emphasized your strengths while making you squirm while pointing out some areas to work on that you quickly saw in yourself. But his caring and genuine nature made you instantly feel that he was doing it for your own good and this was the best way to help yourself. There is not an ingenuine bone in Michael’s body and it was amazing how quickly you were 1000% confident in that." Scott Mayer, CEO , Ambulatory Management Solutions
"The truth is, you didn’t just speak to the group or present some valuable ideas, you gave us an amazing performance, that struck every cord in our mental, emotional and spiritual make up… As you heard, I’ve been speaking in front of groups since I was 17, and spent many years listening to and studying some of the greatest speakers on stage in the Sales and Motivation arena, such as Zig Ziglar, Tom Hopkins, Charlie “Tremendous” Jones, Dr. Norman Vincent Peale, Dr. Robert Schuller, and many many others. In my humble opinion, you outdid them all! I really didn’t want the session to end…
In addition, you are a phenomenal Storyteller! I tell all of my Financial Advisors I coach who do public seminars, “The Power of Story!” I share with them that people never see the words coming out of our mouth, what they see, “Is an image on the screen of their imagination, that we get to paint for them, with our words."
Matthew J. Rettick, President, Cool Springs Financial Group, LLC, Franklin, Tennessee
"Spend a single session with Michael Allosso and you’ll improve every single encounter you have with every single person you’ll ever meet. That includes your employees, the Board, 10,000 people listening to your presentation – even your spouse and friends. That’s because Michael’s possibly the most perceptive person I’ve ever met. Couple that with his uncanny ability to provide insightful feedback and direction in a non-threatening, even entertaining, way and you’ll find yourself enjoying the process of becoming instantly more effective."
Jay Steinfeld, Founder,
Lots of people think he's terrific. Read On!
"GPS Insight hired Michael for a three day sales workshop focused on his “You on your best day” material with a specific emphasis on using these tools to enhance our customer and prospect communication and presentations effectiveness. What he delivered was so much more than that and the impact to our sales organization has been amazing. The learning, team building and trust that was built during these three days took a talented team and made it extraordinary. Michael’s ability to draw people out of their comfort zones to allow them to take risks not only enhanced skill sets and drove motivation, but built trusting friendships within the team. It was truly a transformational experience for our team."
Jason Walker, VP Sales, GPS Insights, Scottsdale, AZ
"When you are lucky enough to hear Michael speak – or even just to be in the same room with him – your spirit will be lifted. You will find yourself looking for the goodness and strength that lies within and start seeing the beauty in all that surrounds you. If this sounds a little over the top – it’s because Michael is over the top. Whether he’s singing to himself, dancing in the hall or holding the attention of hundreds as he exhorts us to be our best selves, you will be forever grateful that you met him.”
Sue Bingham, Founder and Principal, HPW Group
"Thanks so much for inviting me to Michael Allosso's presentation. I've been to a lot of these over the years, and I've had the privilege of sitting at the feet of some of the world's best speakers, presenters, and experts. None of them, however, have impressed me as much as Michael Allosso did. To put it succinctly, he didn't "present" - he "created" - and he did it in real time. He didn't dispense leadership information - he invited leadership transformation. I've only ever seen glimmers of this in other folks. I was also touched by the power and simplicity of his message. I've already begun to practice his Truthful, Specific, Positive feedback approach - there is such power in that!
I was also moved by his ability to notice. He remembered exactly what I said, praised my efforts repeatedly, used my name, complimented me - all of which made me want to be a better person. Few people have the ability to motivate people in such ways - there was a spirituality and a holiness present in his work. I hope those present had the ears to hear and the eyes to see the deeper underpinnings of what it means to be human in his work. This wasn't just a cerebral corporate leadership training - this was head, heart, and gut (or what he calls groin). He was teaching people to be whole human beings - something we desperately lack.
I've taken away so much practical wisdom in just a few short hours. And I was 100% engaged the entire time! I walked away feeling empowered to treat people with more dignity and respect - and to notice. I can make my meetings more inspirational. I can recognize my body language and how I come across. To have someone be able to read you and help you see yourself more clearly (both good and bad) is rare, and it's something I crave to be able to do in my own leadership. I want to love people so much that they thrive. That's what Michael Allosso demonstrated repeatedly."
Ted Olson, Director of Inside Sales, The Predictive Index
"Michael is my favorite training professional. His ability to ascertain and mold the root of each fundamental behavior that we exhibit makes him a valuable tutor to any organization. Put him in a room with your team and he very quickly grasps the tone of the group and the assets and deficiencies that each member brings to the party. I use the word “deficiencies” lightly because Michael has such a mastery of identifying your strengths and using them to help you modify your deficiencies, that you can actually enjoy the process, assuming you are open to change. He delivers feedback in such a positive way that you ask him for more. The best part is that he teaches the team how to do the same thing, leaving a team and its individuals in a state that is much more powerful than before he arrived.
Our organization is very customer centric. Michael’s skills helped our team’s interactions which led to greater ability to satisfy our customers. The communication and interpersonal skills that we have honed with Michael’s guidance help our sales team interact with the customer, and help our internal team better coordinate all the actions that are required to keep our customers coming back."
David Rolston, President/CEO, Hatco, Milwaukee, WI
Can you believe all the wonderful things people have to say?
I had the pleasure of hearing Michael speak at a Vistage meeting and a few years later as a keynote speaker at one of my client's conferences. Michael
not only delivered an exceptional keynote, he is one of the most down-to-earth and kind professionals with whom I've had the pleasure of working.
His message is relevant for any audience and he will not disappoint."
Mary Rauchenstein, Leadership Edge Solutions, LLC, Columbus, OH
"Michael is a phenomenal speaker. His presentation around “You On Your Best Day” and his “35 Secret Weapons” for achieving status – well, it is simply some of the best most applicable content you will ever encounter. Match this with Michael’s ability to captivate and also – engage his audience – it’s uncanny!... If you are looking for a speaker to motivate your managers, executives, staff, plant, or you have a special occasion at which you want to receive an educational presentation in the form of the most professional performance you have ever experienced – that your people will never forget – then you simply need Michael Allosso."
Doug McCoige, Director of Operations, North American Signs Inc.
"People sometimes ask me what Michael Allosso does for me and the Horton Group, Inc. It is difficult to answer because Michael helps us in many ways. He is a communications teacher who coaches us on presentations and proposals. Michael helps us with company meetings and events. When we worked to create new marketing material and our website, Michael focused us to develop our brand and message. As we improve our culture, he has helped us to work better together, become more self-aware and positive in our relationships.
While it is sometimes difficult to describe Michael’s role precisely, I can say with certainty there is no person outside our company that has so positively impacted me and the Horton Group, Inc. He has developed deep relationships with many of our employees. They count on Michael for support, feedback and training. Michael has an exceptional ability to deliver challenging feedback in a constructive and helpful manner. He makes people feel comfortable so they open up to support. We have learned from Michael the value of and skill of delivering truthful, specific and positive feedback. Our team is more aware of the consequences of our messaging. Our salespeople have learned to conduct their appointments with purpose, structure and focus on the client.
While accomplishing so many things, Michael also makes it fun. Our people are eager to spend time with Michael. He is simply the best outside resource we use at the Horton Group, Inc."
Glenn Horton, CEO, The Horton Group, Inc., Chicago, IL
"As someone who has been both an entrepreneurial leader, and an elected official in the public eye, I am constantly working to improve how I lead. Since one of the most important components of effective leadership is communication, I can tell you that I would not be where I am at today without Michael Allosso’s coaching. Michael’s ability to quickly identify your strengths and in the same breath coach you on ways to add to your skills is absolutely remarkable. What you find is that as you work on the tips and ideas that Michael gives you, you really start thinking more about how your messages are being received. This triggers a higher degree of empathy which makes us all better business leaders, but also better spouses, parents, and friends. In all, I would have to say that of all of the people that I have paid to help me. I cannot think of any that have been a better investment than Michael."
Ryan Sitton, Founder, Pinnacle, Texas Railroad (Energy) Commissioner
"There are a few things we experience in life that inherent limitations in language render nearly impossible to describe. These are the things in which experience triumphs. Imagine sitting on a warmed beach, digging your toes into the cool damp sand below and watching waves crash onto the shore while tasting a Meyer lemon and wild blackberry gelato for the first time. Now try to describe that experience to a friend . . . Good luck! I would place the experience of Michael Allosso as a speaker, coach or mentor into this rare category. One could banter words like inspirational, uplifting or catalytic, but none could capture the power of insight or the lasting impact that time spent with Michael imparts. Rarest of all is that friend that makes one better by the extraordinarily artful craft of abolishing defenses, lifting the spirit and coaxing the best that is within all of us to the surface. Bravo, Michael!"
David Kummer, Managing Director at Sullivan, Curtis, Monroe
"I'd like to thank you for a wonderful session yesterday! It was an extraordinary day - I came away energized and feeling armed with a bevy of great (and personalized) suggestions for improvement. In addition to Michael's warmth and genuinely energetic personality and facilitation, what made the session so valuable and different for me was the extraordinary amount of feedback and tangible suggestions offered during the day. Feedback to each individual, based on typically 3-4 different presentations each. Feedback that was personalized and specific and clear. Feedback that was honest and yet always constructive. Feedback that made each person feel valued for their strengths (and not only valued, but expert). Feedback that honored each person and created a sense of pride and strength in each of us. Michael, that is an extraordinary gift you have. It is amazing and rare."
Jim Milligan, Chief Financial Officer, VSA Partners Chief Financial Officer, Chicago, Il
"After coaching with Michael Allosso for almost a decade, I can boldly state that his professional guidance has been the most impactful and influential I ever received to further my international teaching career. His has a unique ability to identify and strengthen your core skills, while elevating the attributes that make you unique and memorable. My confidence, skills, and enjoyment on the stage are all because of Michael’s insight and directed input. He has shown me a path to move beyond a podium speaker, to serve my audience more effectively as a true educator, and to ultimately inspire and move people through becoming an experiential leader.
Michael's effective suggestions and specific feedback have been applied across all areas of my entire life. He has shown me how to be a more impactful and authentic communicator, getting my message through while allowing for my audience to receive that which they needed. Ultimately, Michael has enhancing my story telling skills with my patients, my medical peers, my friends and family, and especially with my children. I can be the story authentically rather than just telling it. I adore Michael’s talent and have recommended him to hundreds of others who have commented on my teaching abilities. I am who I am on the stage because of Michael. I am changing medicine."
Kristi Hughes, ND, Director of Medical Education
Yup, there's More...
"During our session, you spread the love around. Not only was your feedback thoughtful, specific and positive, you also shared compliments equally among team members, recognizing the risk-taking at each individual level. This required tremendous skill and discipline, as some people shone repeatedly. Nonetheless, you observed each person and took notes on all performances, dividing praise equally. Thank you for celebrating the team effort, even on the individual level.
You generously focused on the strengths. Rather than focus on the negative, you rewarded us all by celebrating our risk-taking and creativity. When pointing out areas for improvement, you were incredibly mindful of our feelings. Thank you so much for this. For many of us, that was a fun, but terrifying skill-building event.
You helped to strengthen our team. I have never seen so many people from so many departments so excited to work together. Even though each exercise was uncomfortable, it also provided an opportunity to build trust in a productive and healthy way. Even though this workshop was challenging, you created an environment for playful expression together."
Mary Lucier, Program Manager, Q-Metrix
"I never imagined where that journey would take me… I am not a person that lacks self confidence and yet I find that my confidence in my own abilities to develop and sustain rich relationships with people around me has blossomed. Among Michael's many gifts, his ability to convey support and constructive criticism with directness and caring has been a key in our relationship. Michael seems to know just when to poke, prod and challenge and when to offer support. He often challenges my creativity by calling on me to use gifts I didn't know I had. Michael's role has grown from an executive coach to one of mentor, friend, chief promoter and critic. He also works with my three sons, my spouse and several of our management team. I consider it an honor that he calls me his friend."
David Sluter, CEO, New England Construction, Rumford, RI
"Michael, your presence yesterday blessed us and greatly added to our lives. Your style, sincerity and uncanny ability to “get us” was amazing. You are also a powerful role model (almost a “poster child”) for guidance into better & more appropriate “situational” behavior…Michael Allosso is one of the most talented, well-grounded presenters I have had the opportunity to work with over my 33 years of owning TEC Detroit. He is extremely perceptive and he weaves his knowledge and his perceptions into an extraordinary ‘fabric’ that is unique, powerful and reaches his audience in a very special way…I would only add that his interaction with some 180 presidents and CEO’s had a profound impact on all of us."
Dick Beadle, President, The Executive Committee, Detroit, MI
"What a joy it was to meet you today and see you in action. I am richer having met you today and I say that with absolute sincerity. Your words now that I have had a moment to process, were inspirational. Never before I received any feedback about how I come across and you have given me the courage to develop and grow my ability in this area, thank you. I was in awe at your masterful ability to connect and captivate a group. I want to be more like you!
What spoke to me most of all was your genuine passion, compassion, interaction and acute perception, which was evident in everything you presented today."
Steven Robertson, Director of Operations & HR, The Julian Krinsky Group, King of Prussia, PA
"Thank you so very much for your most excellent presentation training. Our team Michael; was able to go into the UNF presentation with a lot of confidence. They came out of their presentation feeling like they "hit it out of the park". All of the hard work really paid off and how wonderful it was to get the best outcome of winning the job. In this extremely competitive market, this was a huge win! Thanks again Michael. We look forward to seeing you again!"
Jan Conwell, Auld & White Constructors, LLC, Jacksonville, FL
Wow, you've read a lot of them!
"Michael Allosso (Pink Panther 2) left an audience of 110 construction industry executives gasping after an exhausting five hour, one man performance of "You on Your Best Day". Allosso kept the crowd spellbound as he regaled them with stories of fellow thespians and the 35 Secret Weapons they use to create an authentic emotional connection with their audience. As the light came up and a thunderous applause shook the house, Michael charged the attendees to, "leave all they meet better as a result of spending time with you". This was a big day for The Horton Group."
Robert F. McIntyre MBA, ARM, CPCU, CIC, CRM, Branch President, The Horton Group, Waukesha, WI
"I want to thank you for truly giving us 122% of your energy and effort on. This was apparent to everyone in attendance. You truly are remarkable. Above all, you seem like an exceptional human being, or as they say in Yiddish, a “mench.” To be a mench simply means to be a human being. All to often, we forget what being a human being really means. It is not from the perspective of our fellow human beings (whose standards tend to vary), but what it means to be a human being in the eyes of G-d. You model being a mench, from the way you love your grand kids to your ability to make a positive remark on everyone you make contact with. Being able to see with a “good eye” not only contributes to your own health and well being, but also to the health and well being of those around you. I wish you continued strength and health to continue to inspire and share your special gifts with the world."
David Michael, MD, FACOG , CEO, North Shore Pediatric Therapy, Inc., Glenview, IL
"I have 37 years of experience in the life insurance arena protecting Executives, Businesses and Families. I have attended many motivational speeches (40) with names like Tom Hopkins, Brian Peters, Lou Holtz, Tony Robbins, Ken Blanchard, Earl Nightingal and more. You are the BEST I have ever seen and heard. I love the way you connected with your audience, today. Within the first hour, you had addressed everyone by their first name. And, everyone felt you were talking specifically to them. Your background in Theater and the Arts lent credibility to everything you said, with all the examples you used and each & every story you told. That is why I chose “ Believable ” as my most important trait in a leader.
I’m juiced again. Thanks…"
David Skalski, Director of Finance Services, Gunn-Mowery,
"I appreciated the call-out to balance preparation with improvisation. It reminded me of my time in the military. The joke was always that we would prepare and train on “the plan” for months and then, when the first bullets flew, the plan went out the window. Your work session with us helped me to frame this idea with an example other than the military and will allow me to connect with a larger population. The idea is that all the preparation, training and practice allows us the flexibility to “improvise” together…
The idea that as leaders it’s always “show time” and that we are always “on”, was liberating… This deliberate approach to how I show up is not duplicitous or disingenuous – it’s leadership. On a very personal level, I went home that night and used the TSP feedback approach organically in conversation with each of my four children and my wife. This was very deliberate, and the result was wonderful.
All of this is to say that I appreciate you making the trip and you left me better off than before I met you."
Matt Attebery, Director of Field Support, AA Asphalting | Asphalt & Concrete Restoration
"It was amazing to see eyes and minds open gradually through Michael’s techniques (including my own). Michael is impressively skilled at deciphering people’s strengths and weaknesses and recommending ways for improvement. This was a great ice-breaking session which opened up our eyes to improvement in a positive, confidence-building environment. I’m excited to see the strides we will undoubtedly take in future sessions with Michael, we want more please!
From the instant Michael started doing his thing I knew I was going to enjoy it. Anyone open enough to listen to him will learn something.
He is probably the most insightful person I’ve ever met (regarding human nature). If I attended this seminar earlier in my career who knows where I would be…"
Danny Speight, CEO, Speight, Marshall and Francis, Virginia Beach, VA
"I want to leave you with this quote as I think of you when I read it: “The most visible creators I know are those artists whose medium is life itself. The ones who express the inexpressible – without brush, hammer, clay or guitar. They neither paint nor sculpt – their medium is being. Whatever their presence touches has increased life. They see and don’t have to draw. They are the artists of being alive.” Jay Scott”
Martha Walker, Vistage International Chair, Indianapolis, IN
So much praise. Rock on, Michael!
"Tuesday and Wednesday I had Michael Allosso speak on “You On Your Best Day. I had more than 50 combined members and their guests listen to Michael for 3-hours. They wanted him to stay for 3-days. No words can express how I observed Michael, other than he is the “best”, and if you do not choose to have him speak, you are missing something very special. No PowerPoint. No lengthy and detailed handouts. No in-and-out. Simply an intimate dialogue with my members and their guests which I am positive changed their lives. So, make a choice! Michael may be a good one to focus on."
Marshall Krupp, Vistage International Chair
"The other thing I really liked about this guy is that he wasn’t afraid to constructively criticize any of us. It seems like the higher you climb in the corporate world the less people are willing to tell you what’s wrong with you. Personally, I love hearing that stuff because it’s pretty tough to improve without feedback."
Rob Goggins, Vice-President, Franchise , Development Great Clips, Minneapolis, MN
"We really appreciated your energy, honesty, commitment, sensitivity, passion and humour/humor.
The impact lasted, like the grin on the Cheshire cat well after you had left and members said they regarded your work today as life-changing…”Excellent speaker; must have him again”, “Fantastic! Best ever! Very very funny. Have really learned a lot today. Very intuitive. Put a huge smile on my face. Held my concentration”, “Excellent session. Michael was able to demonstrate his points extremely well. His observational skills are phenomenal”, “You’ll have heard this before – but the man is absolutely fantastic! I was astounded by your powers of observation and by your ability to give acceptable feedback with sensitivity and to such effect. None of us escaped your eagle eye!"
Edward Clifford, Vistage UK Chair, England
"Your presentation yesterday left me with much to think about at once,… more like a lifestyle and attitude change; heighted awareness of others; development of a kind of sixth sense…. I noticed that you were able to simultaneously think about your message, speak your message and watch/evaluate the response to your message by changes in body language, facial expression, word expression, etc, etc,….. I think that is what makes you a highly rated speaker. You are constantly making an effort to individually connect with your audience, by name, eye contact, emotion, thought --- it was a pleasure to learn from you. I think “acting” is a misnomer. It’s more like “being” authentic – a valuable life skill."
Eric Berens, Vistage Tucson
"I wanted to take a moment to thank you for your inspiring and dynamic “You On Your Best Day” session with the Girls Scouts leadership team on Friday. I have found myself sharing not just what you had to say, but how you demonstrated through engaging stories, impassioned tone and tenor — in the most authentic way — how everyone can be better servant leaders, numerous times this weekend. You are masterful at engagement and making everyone in a room feel included, respected and you do it with humor, grace and meaning. You made everyone in that room feel a part of what you had to say. You ensured we were clear that as a “collective leadership team” we have an objective to deliver on and that we have a mission we must be part of to deliver on our vision for the Girl Scouts, our families, our teams, and ourselves — not just when it suits us, but esp when it does not. I wish I would’ve had a session like this early in my career, but perhaps it would not enable me to appreciate what you have given me quite, as much."
Sheryl Yasger, Board Member, Girl Scouts of Greater Chicagoland
"Your energy, vigor and overall presentation spoke to me so much, it was really the kick in the butt I needed! What really spoke to me was the statement you made about fearing having regrets about not living life to the fullest. I realized that I need to make more efforts to be “me on my best day”, and look back on the day and know that I lived life to the fullest.
Thank you so much –just for being “you” and putting all that good energy out in the world. The world is truly blessed because of people like you who have the drive and passion to share their ideology with others and inspire them to be better people. I feel like people cross our paths in life for a reason; even though it was only once that we met, you really inspired me and crossed my path when I needed inspiration most!
I’m so happy that you took the path you took –you took risks and ended up not only expressing your artistic side in the acting industry, but have also translated this to help those of us in the corporate world as well. You have truly reinvigorated my confidence that I am on the right path and that, I too, through my work every day, can effect change and inspire others. For that, I thank you!"
Jennifer Quinn, HR Manager, United Scrap Metal,Cicero, IL
"My members were inspired and entertained by Michael Allosso. Every member took value from Michael’s engaging presentation and will be better communicators and leaders as a result. As a Vistage chair, I was challenged by Michael in a unique way. He clearly practices what he teaches us. Despite his amazing accomplishments, he lives every day of his life working to be better. In four hours, he knew more about my members than I know after 5 years. This skill is learned, practiced and exercised. I was convicted by Michael’s approach to quickly connect, at a deep level, with each member.
The time I spent with Michael has changed me in a profound way. The bar has been raised and he both equipped and challenged me to be a better me. Thank you Michael for your inspiring leadership."
Tom Cuthbert, Vistage Chair
Ok, I get it, people love him......
"I would imagine many people wonder about the correlation between acting and sales when they are first introduced to the idea of working with a director such as yourself. The most profound thing I was able to walk away with is while we are all striving to deliver a consistent message about Horton, it is the manner in which each individual delivers that same message which determines how successful each individual will be. Because of that, strengthening the fundamentals of communication and one’s ability to make a connection with the prospect are the most important elements. With that solid foundation, the message (whatever it may be in any situation) should be easy to deliver and will be most effective."
Dan Horton, The Horton Group, Orland Park, Il
"I would highly recommend you to other colleagues as your topic is right on point for executives in any company. Your delivery style and the ability to read people is amazing."
Don Hairhoger, Composites One, CEO, Arlington Heights, IL
"The content is terrific, yet I am struck even more with the enthusiasm, courage and affirmation with which you teach. You modeled beautifully all of the concepts that you advocate, creating a rich learning experience."
Jack Burns, SGI, President, Indianapolis, IN
"Thank you for your Energy, Energy, Energy! at yesterdays meeting. Your style and presentation skills kept me “tuned in” during the entire 4+ hours. I wished we had more time with you."
Christopher Bettini, Director of Operations, Boracchia & Associates, Petaluma, CA
"Thanks once again for the entertaining, insightful and for the ultimately beneficial presentation that you gave…You definitely inspired me on that day, and so far for every day since."
Will Shepherd, Executive Director, Badenoch & Clark, London
"I also want to tell you that Michael’s description of how an “improv” works – whereby you have a structured system which because of the structure you can generate higher levels of creativity has been a huge eye opener to me. I have already altered 2 projects to reflect this thought and our productivity as well as the creativity increased 10x."
John Colaruotolo,, Inc, VP, Casa Larga, Fairport, NY
"Thank you so much for taking the time to meet with us last Thursday and share what I can only describe as a magical afternoon. We have had several outstanding speakers and amazing experiences together as a group, but last Thursday was, by far, the best…I was amazed how much each of us took from that afternoon, and how so many aspects resonated with us. Moreover, we each had made significant changes in our communications as a result…Truly awe-inspiring."
Shawn Twing, Barn Door Media, Burlington, VT
"Thank you, thank you, thank you. Thank you for such an outstanding job. You knew how nervous I was about our first ever speaker presentation and you hit it out of the park! You were loved, adored and perfect for our exceptionally discerning staff. They are still talking about it."
Deborah Martin, COO, Destination Management, San Diego, CA
"There is continuing talk about the value they received. Some are already planning to include your input in their upcoming sales meetings. Lots of learning, lots of impact – lots of change coming."
John Wallingford, International Chair, Vistage, Orange County, CA
My Goodness!!
"You have set the bar for speakers to my groups at a very high level. You provided tons of strategies, tips and reminders of what’s at stake when you are at the top of an organization, how to show up at your best every day and be on our “A game” every time….the feedback from members was truthful, specific and positive – more effusive than I have seen in my five years of chairing."
Charlie Hawkins, Vistage International Chair, Albuquerque, NM
"Thank you for coming to speak to V427 last week on “You on Your Best Day”. It provided an illuminating insight into the power that all of us has to present ourselves at our very best, if we commit to following your 35 tips. Your ability to demonstrate this by personal example throughout the session kept the group enthralled for the whole morning.. Several members are facing important presentations in the near future and I know they will be able to present an enhanced image as a result of your input."
Keith Millard, Vistage UK Chair, England
"The energy you bring to the room is contagious…and it’s just the right amount of energy. The content is both interesting and realistic…and doable.”
Suzanne Kochevar, President, En-Visioneering, Inc, Vistage International Chair, Excelsior, MN
"Over time we have had a substantial number of excellent speakers who you have rated highly…and deservedly so. And yet, after 193 speaker presentations to my Groups there had never been a perfect score…until this past week. Presentation number 194 was by Michael Allosso, “You On Your Best Day”. All 5’s. Congratulations to Michael. Members’ comments included: “Powerful. Engaging. One of the top speakers of all time. Top content. Well presented. Acting skills on display. Well prepared. Best I have heard in years. My gosh he was great. He handled the group well. Many items for improvement.
Thank you, Michael. Please accept this message as a well-deserved example of something you strongly advocate…
truthful, specific and positive feedback."
John Schmidts, Vistage International Chair, Rochester, NY
"This past weekend, we held our annual business owner’s retreat in Victoria, BC. Great people, weather, venue, and a fantastic time had by all. We brought in a truly unique individual, Michael Allosso from out east who, by the end of Saturday, left everyone in awe, and with a mission to strategically approach relationships and interactions with others with the intent of establishing true connections through awareness.
I invited Michael to lead our group this weekend because I worked with him in Detroit in the spring. He is probably the most impactful person I have seen at getting his message across with every single individual he comes into contact with, and I have worked with a lot of credible and talented individuals."
Kevin Armstrong, Speaker, Author of The Miracle Manager
"Your sharing of knowledge, stories, and perspective impacted 50 more lives. Specifically, mine. . With an open mind, you encouraged us to consider alternate ways to interact with people, be respectful of them (as well as ourselves,) and communicate more effectively. Those three actions will improve us to be leading examples to all we come in contact.
Our time together stoked a fire in me to continue being my best but also, and more importantly, recognize the best in others. I think that was an unexpected perk. I’m incorporating your suggestion to use a person’s name when communicating with them. It feels a bit awkward but hope my comfort will increase. Your inspiring demeanor is appreciated and I encourage you to continue sharing your knowledge, leading others to be better and leaving your mark in the world I’m a better person by fact of listening to you. Thank you from my heart."
Cindy Dekker | Sales Rep., Satellite Shelters, Inc.
SERIOUSLY? There's More?
"Positive Energy – You set the mood with the visual story of your best day. You took the room through a story that elicited from people the picture of their own possible best day as they listened to you talk about yours. Great energy connector. You immediately physically and verbally made the audience feel appreciated and that you liked them. It started by stepping on stage, pointing out specifically a number of people you were glad to see. You were grateful for being invited. You fed the participants’ energy first and then added to the energy as the audience rose to each new level. This occurred through your pacing – accelerating to get feedback from the audience, pausing as you listened, then acknowledging the response…you are a gift."
Tom Searcy, , , ofessional Speaker/Author
"I have been extremely fortunate to work with Michael in both a group setting and as a personal coach. I have also recommended team members for the personal one on one coaching. I have been to several sessions of You on Your Best Day and took away several different skills and items of personal performance improvement and awareness from each and every session. … You on Your Best Day will show every individual how to show up and be present, two things that are unfortunately missing in today’s world. His motto of “truthful, specific, positive” when giving feedback is a motto for each of us to live by every day. Michael is engaging, passionate and a session with him simply makes you want to be a better person. Fortunately he gives you the tools to move forward and do just that!"
Rae Anne Beaudry, Regional Vice President Employee Benefits, Associated Benefits and Risk Consulting
"Michael is a gifted speaker and presenter. I had the opportunity to sit in on his presentation recently at an event where we were both speaking. Michael did a masterful job of teaching and coaching the audience on skills that all presenters must have. He is not only one of the most entertaining speakers I have ever heard, he also empowered the group to think and interact with him. I would highly recommend that you consider Michael for corporate groups as well as audiences of speakers who wish to improve their presentation skills and effectiveness."
Penny Reed, Dental Speaker, Author and Coach
"I have hired Michael to support leadership development for my organization. The way Michael believes the best in people, his intimate attention to physiology, and his intense ability to give candid , direct feedback are elements that I believe make him extra-ordinary. If you are a CEO of a company, is you are a public speaker, if you want to command presence --Michael can help you achieve your goals. Thank you for the impact you have made for me and my company."
Jennifer Serti, Furturist, Strategist, Speaker
"Michael Allosso conveys a uniquely powerful message in an equally unique and powerful way. I have had Michael speak to my groups on two occasions and his work with CEOs and top executives speaks to a core human need that lives at the intersection of personal and professional performance. He has a knack for challenging, being thought provoking and delivering instruction in a method approach that is engaging and passionate. A professional encounter with Michael simply leaves people better than they were before."
Philip Liebman, CEO, AlPS
Thanks, Michael, for all you do in the world to make it a better place.
Michael, where do I start? You have made an impact on me I wish I could describe in words. Every time I talk with you or hear you speak, I learn so much and am inspired to be a better person, husband, leader and parent, “Showtime” is something I have written in so many different notebooks to remind myself I need to always be at my best and that I am in the spotlight with family, team members and the community. Never stop being you and making a difference and a positive impact on everyone around you. I am so fortunate to know you and only hope I can make a comparable impact on you and others to extend your legacy, goodwill, teachings, and amazingness! To our future together and apart, keeping your spirit everywhere possible – Scott Mayer, Ambulatory Management Solutions
I just have to reach out and let you know how much of an impact you’ve had on me since you spoke to our company. Thank you for a truly unforgettable and forever impactful day. You are an incredible human being who touches many more people than you will ever know. -Elena Abdeen, Director of Marketing, WJA
Your presence is always a present and a constant reminder of my potential as a business leader, wife, Mom and friend. I was especially appreciative of your feedback to “just do it!” and not say I’m going to ask a question. I struggle to not always come across as tough/hard. The reminder to have authenticity will allow my warm side to appear. Thank you! – Jen Guidi
Michael, Thank you again for the lesson on being excellent. You epitomize excellence by bringing your energy and making it personalized for all of us. I was truly excited to see you today, and you rose to the occasion and some. The cherry on top was the reminder about Act II. Thank you! Best, -Michael Episcope
First and foremost, thank you for your excellent presentation. This is my third time hearing from you, and I learned more today than the prior two for some reason. Your passion is infectious. I will work on the following two items: 1. Stop being so monotone and be more dynamic, 2. Hot opening and closing! – Tyler Qualio
Was great to work on my presentation skills. So many tactical issues. Have forgotten about the power of speech> Always need to continue on filler words. Need to take a breath and remember it is more powerful to honor others rather than talk about me. Thank you for the time! – Tony Casale
I appreciate the focus on always being at my best. I need to live this to other people on my leadership team. I am going to focus on always being a hot open. I will find ways to honor people in every meeting I have. I will receive compliments more graciously. – Ryan Hunt
Michael, Every time I have the privilege to be with you it jump starts my soul and sense of humanity. Thank you for all you do and who you are! -Mark Aistrope
"Thank you very much for taking the time to share your detailed feedback with myself and my team. I can honestly say that I have not met anyone more committed to the art form of note taking, accurate feedback, and encouragement than you and I do appreciate that while you clearly do many of these programs, you do not forsake the opportunity to do them well with personal touches. Yesterday’s meeting was helpful for my team. I am confident that we will grow and improve as a result of your candid feedback and coaching.
-Simon Pranaitis, EP Clinical Development, Abbott
"Michael is the most inspirational speaker that we have ever heard. He flawlessly managed to keep a crowd of 300 glued to their seats without being distracted by modern technology – a testament of his engaging personality! His message truly resonated and has become a mantra for our organization and team to “make every day your best day." Barbara Schaefer McDuffie
"How could any speaker be that mesmerizing? You awakened a desire for learning that I haven’t felt in many years. I know you were using the tools you explained to us, and there’s more to it than that. You are an outstanding educator. You certainly made me realize and understand such skill and power can be taught. Perhaps I, nor anyone in our group, could ever achieve the skill level you have, but if we could capture 50% if that ability, we would all become better speakers, better leaders, and better providers. We are all curious to learn more. I think that is the greatest compliment we could ever give you. Donald H. Combs, Chief Operating Office, Diachemix, LLC
"Thank you for spending the day with us. Aside from the importance of being fully present and engaged in the task at hand, my key takeaway was actually your preparation; it was clear that you prepared for the day and continued to do so throughout. It was an excellent demonstration and always-helpful reminder of what good preparation looks like and the impact it can have. Weaving best practices into your talk track is one thing, but it is quite another to demonstrate those best practices – both genuinely and consistently." Jackson Ebbesen, EP Specialist, Abbott
"His passion for helping people be the best version of themselves along with his honest, supportive, and positive style made you feel so uncomfortably comfortable. He made you feel at ease and emphasized your strengths while making you squirm while pointing out some areas to work on that you quickly saw in yourself. But his caring and genuine nature made you instantly feel that he was doing it for your own good and this was the best way to help yourself. There is not an ingenuine bone in Michael’s body and it was amazing how quickly you were 1000% confident in that." Scott Mayer, CEO , Ambulatory Management Solutions
"The truth is, you didn’t just speak to the group or present some valuable ideas, you gave us an amazing performance, that struck every cord in our mental, emotional and spiritual make up… As you heard, I’ve been speaking in front of groups since I was 17, and spent many years listening to and studying some of the greatest speakers on stage in the Sales and Motivation arena, such as Zig Ziglar, Tom Hopkins, Charlie “Tremendous” Jones, Dr. Norman Vincent Peale, Dr. Robert Schuller, and many many others. In my humble opinion, you outdid them all! I really didn’t want the session to end…
In addition, you are a phenomenal Storyteller! I tell all of my Financial Advisors I coach who do public seminars, “The Power of Story!” I share with them that people never see the words coming out of our mouth, what they see, “Is an image on the screen of their imagination, that we get to paint for them, with our words."
Matthew J. Rettick, President, Cool Springs Financial Group, LLC, Franklin, Tennessee
"Spend a single session with Michael Allosso and you’ll improve every single encounter you have with every single person you’ll ever meet. That includes your employees, the Board, 10,000 people listening to your presentation – even your spouse and friends. That’s because Michael’s possibly the most perceptive person I’ve ever met. Couple that with his uncanny ability to provide insightful feedback and direction in a non-threatening, even entertaining, way and you’ll find yourself enjoying the process of becoming instantly more effective."
Jay Steinfeld, Founder,
Lots of people think he's terrific. Read On!
"GPS Insight hired Michael for a three day sales workshop focused on his “You on your best day” material with a specific emphasis on using these tools to enhance our customer and prospect communication and presentations effectiveness. What he delivered was so much more than that and the impact to our sales organization has been amazing. The learning, team building and trust that was built during these three days took a talented team and made it extraordinary. Michael’s ability to draw people out of their comfort zones to allow them to take risks not only enhanced skill sets and drove motivation, but built trusting friendships within the team. It was truly a transformational experience for our team."
Jason Walker, VP Sales, GPS Insights, Scottsdale, AZ
"When you are lucky enough to hear Michael speak – or even just to be in the same room with him – your spirit will be lifted. You will find yourself looking for the goodness and strength that lies within and start seeing the beauty in all that surrounds you. If this sounds a little over the top – it’s because Michael is over the top. Whether he’s singing to himself, dancing in the hall or holding the attention of hundreds as he exhorts us to be our best selves, you will be forever grateful that you met him.”
Sue Bingham, Founder and Principal, HPW Group
"Thanks so much for inviting me to Michael Allosso's presentation. I've been to a lot of these over the years, and I've had the privilege of sitting at the feet of some of the world's best speakers, presenters, and experts. None of them, however, have impressed me as much as Michael Allosso did. To put it succinctly, he didn't "present" - he "created" - and he did it in real time. He didn't dispense leadership information - he invited leadership transformation. I've only ever seen glimmers of this in other folks. I was also touched by the power and simplicity of his message. I've already begun to practice his Truthful, Specific, Positive feedback approach - there is such power in that!
I was also moved by his ability to notice. He remembered exactly what I said, praised my efforts repeatedly, used my name, complimented me - all of which made me want to be a better person. Few people have the ability to motivate people in such ways - there was a spirituality and a holiness present in his work. I hope those present had the ears to hear and the eyes to see the deeper underpinnings of what it means to be human in his work. This wasn't just a cerebral corporate leadership training - this was head, heart, and gut (or what he calls groin). He was teaching people to be whole human beings - something we desperately lack.
I've taken away so much practical wisdom in just a few short hours. And I was 100% engaged the entire time! I walked away feeling empowered to treat people with more dignity and respect - and to notice. I can make my meetings more inspirational. I can recognize my body language and how I come across. To have someone be able to read you and help you see yourself more clearly (both good and bad) is rare, and it's something I crave to be able to do in my own leadership. I want to love people so much that they thrive. That's what Michael Allosso demonstrated repeatedly."
Ted Olson, Director of Inside Sales, The Predictive Index
"Michael is my favorite training professional. His ability to ascertain and mold the root of each fundamental behavior that we exhibit makes him a valuable tutor to any organization. Put him in a room with your team and he very quickly grasps the tone of the group and the assets and deficiencies that each member brings to the party. I use the word “deficiencies” lightly because Michael has such a mastery of identifying your strengths and using them to help you modify your deficiencies, that you can actually enjoy the process, assuming you are open to change. He delivers feedback in such a positive way that you ask him for more. The best part is that he teaches the team how to do the same thing, leaving a team and its individuals in a state that is much more powerful than before he arrived.
Our organization is very customer centric. Michael’s skills helped our team’s interactions which led to greater ability to satisfy our customers. The communication and interpersonal skills that we have honed with Michael’s guidance help our sales team interact with the customer, and help our internal team better coordinate all the actions that are required to keep our customers coming back."
David Rolston, President/CEO, Hatco, Milwaukee, WI
Can you believe all the wonderful things people have to say?
I had the pleasure of hearing Michael speak at a Vistage meeting and a few years later as a keynote speaker at one of my client's conferences. Michael
not only delivered an exceptional keynote, he is one of the most down-to-earth and kind professionals with whom I've had the pleasure of working.
His message is relevant for any audience and he will not disappoint."
Mary Rauchenstein, Leadership Edge Solutions, LLC, Columbus, OH
"Michael is a phenomenal speaker. His presentation around “You On Your Best Day” and his “35 Secret Weapons” for achieving status – well, it is simply some of the best most applicable content you will ever encounter. Match this with Michael’s ability to captivate and also – engage his audience – it’s uncanny!... If you are looking for a speaker to motivate your managers, executives, staff, plant, or you have a special occasion at which you want to receive an educational presentation in the form of the most professional performance you have ever experienced – that your people will never forget – then you simply need Michael Allosso."
Doug McCoige, Director of Operations, North American Signs Inc.
"People sometimes ask me what Michael Allosso does for me and the Horton Group, Inc. It is difficult to answer because Michael helps us in many ways. He is a communications teacher who coaches us on presentations and proposals. Michael helps us with company meetings and events. When we worked to create new marketing material and our website, Michael focused us to develop our brand and message. As we improve our culture, he has helped us to work better together, become more self-aware and positive in our relationships.
While it is sometimes difficult to describe Michael’s role precisely, I can say with certainty there is no person outside our company that has so positively impacted me and the Horton Group, Inc. He has developed deep relationships with many of our employees. They count on Michael for support, feedback and training. Michael has an exceptional ability to deliver challenging feedback in a constructive and helpful manner. He makes people feel comfortable so they open up to support. We have learned from Michael the value of and skill of delivering truthful, specific and positive feedback. Our team is more aware of the consequences of our messaging. Our salespeople have learned to conduct their appointments with purpose, structure and focus on the client.
While accomplishing so many things, Michael also makes it fun. Our people are eager to spend time with Michael. He is simply the best outside resource we use at the Horton Group, Inc."
Glenn Horton, CEO, The Horton Group, Inc., Chicago, IL
"As someone who has been both an entrepreneurial leader, and an elected official in the public eye, I am constantly working to improve how I lead. Since one of the most important components of effective leadership is communication, I can tell you that I would not be where I am at today without Michael Allosso’s coaching. Michael’s ability to quickly identify your strengths and in the same breath coach you on ways to add to your skills is absolutely remarkable. What you find is that as you work on the tips and ideas that Michael gives you, you really start thinking more about how your messages are being received. This triggers a higher degree of empathy which makes us all better business leaders, but also better spouses, parents, and friends. In all, I would have to say that of all of the people that I have paid to help me. I cannot think of any that have been a better investment than Michael."
Ryan Sitton, Founder, Pinnacle, Texas Railroad (Energy) Commissioner
"There are a few things we experience in life that inherent limitations in language render nearly impossible to describe. These are the things in which experience triumphs. Imagine sitting on a warmed beach, digging your toes into the cool damp sand below and watching waves crash onto the shore while tasting a Meyer lemon and wild blackberry gelato for the first time. Now try to describe that experience to a friend . . . Good luck! I would place the experience of Michael Allosso as a speaker, coach or mentor into this rare category. One could banter words like inspirational, uplifting or catalytic, but none could capture the power of insight or the lasting impact that time spent with Michael imparts. Rarest of all is that friend that makes one better by the extraordinarily artful craft of abolishing defenses, lifting the spirit and coaxing the best that is within all of us to the surface. Bravo, Michael!"
David Kummer, Managing Director at Sullivan, Curtis, Monroe
"I'd like to thank you for a wonderful session yesterday! It was an extraordinary day - I came away energized and feeling armed with a bevy of great (and personalized) suggestions for improvement. In addition to Michael's warmth and genuinely energetic personality and facilitation, what made the session so valuable and different for me was the extraordinary amount of feedback and tangible suggestions offered during the day. Feedback to each individual, based on typically 3-4 different presentations each. Feedback that was personalized and specific and clear. Feedback that was honest and yet always constructive. Feedback that made each person feel valued for their strengths (and not only valued, but expert). Feedback that honored each person and created a sense of pride and strength in each of us. Michael, that is an extraordinary gift you have. It is amazing and rare."
Jim Milligan, Chief Financial Officer, VSA Partners Chief Financial Officer, Chicago, Il
"After coaching with Michael Allosso for almost a decade, I can boldly state that his professional guidance has been the most impactful and influential I ever received to further my international teaching career. His has a unique ability to identify and strengthen your core skills, while elevating the attributes that make you unique and memorable. My confidence, skills, and enjoyment on the stage are all because of Michael’s insight and directed input. He has shown me a path to move beyond a podium speaker, to serve my audience more effectively as a true educator, and to ultimately inspire and move people through becoming an experiential leader.
Michael's effective suggestions and specific feedback have been applied across all areas of my entire life. He has shown me how to be a more impactful and authentic communicator, getting my message through while allowing for my audience to receive that which they needed. Ultimately, Michael has enhancing my story telling skills with my patients, my medical peers, my friends and family, and especially with my children. I can be the story authentically rather than just telling it. I adore Michael’s talent and have recommended him to hundreds of others who have commented on my teaching abilities. I am who I am on the stage because of Michael. I am changing medicine."
Kristi Hughes, ND, Director of Medical Education
Yup, there's More...
"During our session, you spread the love around. Not only was your feedback thoughtful, specific and positive, you also shared compliments equally among team members, recognizing the risk-taking at each individual level. This required tremendous skill and discipline, as some people shone repeatedly. Nonetheless, you observed each person and took notes on all performances, dividing praise equally. Thank you for celebrating the team effort, even on the individual level.
You generously focused on the strengths. Rather than focus on the negative, you rewarded us all by celebrating our risk-taking and creativity. When pointing out areas for improvement, you were incredibly mindful of our feelings. Thank you so much for this. For many of us, that was a fun, but terrifying skill-building event.
You helped to strengthen our team. I have never seen so many people from so many departments so excited to work together. Even though each exercise was uncomfortable, it also provided an opportunity to build trust in a productive and healthy way. Even though this workshop was challenging, you created an environment for playful expression together."
Mary Lucier, Program Manager, Q-Metrix
"I never imagined where that journey would take me… I am not a person that lacks self confidence and yet I find that my confidence in my own abilities to develop and sustain rich relationships with people around me has blossomed. Among Michael's many gifts, his ability to convey support and constructive criticism with directness and caring has been a key in our relationship. Michael seems to know just when to poke, prod and challenge and when to offer support. He often challenges my creativity by calling on me to use gifts I didn't know I had. Michael's role has grown from an executive coach to one of mentor, friend, chief promoter and critic. He also works with my three sons, my spouse and several of our management team. I consider it an honor that he calls me his friend."
David Sluter, CEO, New England Construction, Rumford, RI
"Michael, your presence yesterday blessed us and greatly added to our lives. Your style, sincerity and uncanny ability to “get us” was amazing. You are also a powerful role model (almost a “poster child”) for guidance into better & more appropriate “situational” behavior…Michael Allosso is one of the most talented, well-grounded presenters I have had the opportunity to work with over my 33 years of owning TEC Detroit. He is extremely perceptive and he weaves his knowledge and his perceptions into an extraordinary ‘fabric’ that is unique, powerful and reaches his audience in a very special way…I would only add that his interaction with some 180 presidents and CEO’s had a profound impact on all of us."
Dick Beadle, President, The Executive Committee, Detroit, MI
"What a joy it was to meet you today and see you in action. I am richer having met you today and I say that with absolute sincerity. Your words now that I have had a moment to process, were inspirational. Never before I received any feedback about how I come across and you have given me the courage to develop and grow my ability in this area, thank you. I was in awe at your masterful ability to connect and captivate a group. I want to be more like you!
What spoke to me most of all was your genuine passion, compassion, interaction and acute perception, which was evident in everything you presented today."
Steven Robertson, Director of Operations & HR, The Julian Krinsky Group, King of Prussia, PA
"Thank you so very much for your most excellent presentation training. Our team Michael; was able to go into the UNF presentation with a lot of confidence. They came out of their presentation feeling like they "hit it out of the park". All of the hard work really paid off and how wonderful it was to get the best outcome of winning the job. In this extremely competitive market, this was a huge win! Thanks again Michael. We look forward to seeing you again!"
Jan Conwell, Auld & White Constructors, LLC, Jacksonville, FL
Wow, you've read a lot of them!
"Michael Allosso (Pink Panther 2) left an audience of 110 construction industry executives gasping after an exhausting five hour, one man performance of "You on Your Best Day". Allosso kept the crowd spellbound as he regaled them with stories of fellow thespians and the 35 Secret Weapons they use to create an authentic emotional connection with their audience. As the light came up and a thunderous applause shook the house, Michael charged the attendees to, "leave all they meet better as a result of spending time with you". This was a big day for The Horton Group."
Robert F. McIntyre MBA, ARM, CPCU, CIC, CRM, Branch President, The Horton Group, Waukesha, WI
"I want to thank you for truly giving us 122% of your energy and effort on. This was apparent to everyone in attendance. You truly are remarkable. Above all, you seem like an exceptional human being, or as they say in Yiddish, a “mench.” To be a mench simply means to be a human being. All to often, we forget what being a human being really means. It is not from the perspective of our fellow human beings (whose standards tend to vary), but what it means to be a human being in the eyes of G-d. You model being a mench, from the way you love your grand kids to your ability to make a positive remark on everyone you make contact with. Being able to see with a “good eye” not only contributes to your own health and well being, but also to the health and well being of those around you. I wish you continued strength and health to continue to inspire and share your special gifts with the world."
David Michael, MD, FACOG , CEO, North Shore Pediatric Therapy, Inc., Glenview, IL
"I have 37 years of experience in the life insurance arena protecting Executives, Businesses and Families. I have attended many motivational speeches (40) with names like Tom Hopkins, Brian Peters, Lou Holtz, Tony Robbins, Ken Blanchard, Earl Nightingal and more. You are the BEST I have ever seen and heard. I love the way you connected with your audience, today. Within the first hour, you had addressed everyone by their first name. And, everyone felt you were talking specifically to them. Your background in Theater and the Arts lent credibility to everything you said, with all the examples you used and each & every story you told. That is why I chose “ Believable ” as my most important trait in a leader.
I’m juiced again. Thanks…"
David Skalski, Director of Finance Services, Gunn-Mowery,
"I appreciated the call-out to balance preparation with improvisation. It reminded me of my time in the military. The joke was always that we would prepare and train on “the plan” for months and then, when the first bullets flew, the plan went out the window. Your work session with us helped me to frame this idea with an example other than the military and will allow me to connect with a larger population. The idea is that all the preparation, training and practice allows us the flexibility to “improvise” together…
The idea that as leaders it’s always “show time” and that we are always “on”, was liberating… This deliberate approach to how I show up is not duplicitous or disingenuous – it’s leadership. On a very personal level, I went home that night and used the TSP feedback approach organically in conversation with each of my four children and my wife. This was very deliberate, and the result was wonderful.
All of this is to say that I appreciate you making the trip and you left me better off than before I met you."
Matt Attebery, Director of Field Support, AA Asphalting | Asphalt & Concrete Restoration
"It was amazing to see eyes and minds open gradually through Michael’s techniques (including my own). Michael is impressively skilled at deciphering people’s strengths and weaknesses and recommending ways for improvement. This was a great ice-breaking session which opened up our eyes to improvement in a positive, confidence-building environment. I’m excited to see the strides we will undoubtedly take in future sessions with Michael, we want more please!
From the instant Michael started doing his thing I knew I was going to enjoy it. Anyone open enough to listen to him will learn something.
He is probably the most insightful person I’ve ever met (regarding human nature). If I attended this seminar earlier in my career who knows where I would be…"
Danny Speight, CEO, Speight, Marshall and Francis, Virginia Beach, VA
"I want to leave you with this quote as I think of you when I read it: “The most visible creators I know are those artists whose medium is life itself. The ones who express the inexpressible – without brush, hammer, clay or guitar. They neither paint nor sculpt – their medium is being. Whatever their presence touches has increased life. They see and don’t have to draw. They are the artists of being alive.” Jay Scott”
Martha Walker, Vistage International Chair, Indianapolis, IN
So much praise. Rock on, Michael!
"Tuesday and Wednesday I had Michael Allosso speak on “You On Your Best Day. I had more than 50 combined members and their guests listen to Michael for 3-hours. They wanted him to stay for 3-days. No words can express how I observed Michael, other than he is the “best”, and if you do not choose to have him speak, you are missing something very special. No PowerPoint. No lengthy and detailed handouts. No in-and-out. Simply an intimate dialogue with my members and their guests which I am positive changed their lives. So, make a choice! Michael may be a good one to focus on."
Marshall Krupp, Vistage International Chair
"The other thing I really liked about this guy is that he wasn’t afraid to constructively criticize any of us. It seems like the higher you climb in the corporate world the less people are willing to tell you what’s wrong with you. Personally, I love hearing that stuff because it’s pretty tough to improve without feedback."
Rob Goggins, Vice-President, Franchise , Development Great Clips, Minneapolis, MN
"We really appreciated your energy, honesty, commitment, sensitivity, passion and humour/humor.
The impact lasted, like the grin on the Cheshire cat well after you had left and members said they regarded your work today as life-changing…”Excellent speaker; must have him again”, “Fantastic! Best ever! Very very funny. Have really learned a lot today. Very intuitive. Put a huge smile on my face. Held my concentration”, “Excellent session. Michael was able to demonstrate his points extremely well. His observational skills are phenomenal”, “You’ll have heard this before – but the man is absolutely fantastic! I was astounded by your powers of observation and by your ability to give acceptable feedback with sensitivity and to such effect. None of us escaped your eagle eye!"
Edward Clifford, Vistage UK Chair, England
"Your presentation yesterday left me with much to think about at once,… more like a lifestyle and attitude change; heighted awareness of others; development of a kind of sixth sense…. I noticed that you were able to simultaneously think about your message, speak your message and watch/evaluate the response to your message by changes in body language, facial expression, word expression, etc, etc,….. I think that is what makes you a highly rated speaker. You are constantly making an effort to individually connect with your audience, by name, eye contact, emotion, thought --- it was a pleasure to learn from you. I think “acting” is a misnomer. It’s more like “being” authentic – a valuable life skill."
Eric Berens, Vistage Tucson
"I wanted to take a moment to thank you for your inspiring and dynamic “You On Your Best Day” session with the Girls Scouts leadership team on Friday. I have found myself sharing not just what you had to say, but how you demonstrated through engaging stories, impassioned tone and tenor — in the most authentic way — how everyone can be better servant leaders, numerous times this weekend. You are masterful at engagement and making everyone in a room feel included, respected and you do it with humor, grace and meaning. You made everyone in that room feel a part of what you had to say. You ensured we were clear that as a “collective leadership team” we have an objective to deliver on and that we have a mission we must be part of to deliver on our vision for the Girl Scouts, our families, our teams, and ourselves — not just when it suits us, but esp when it does not. I wish I would’ve had a session like this early in my career, but perhaps it would not enable me to appreciate what you have given me quite, as much."
Sheryl Yasger, Board Member, Girl Scouts of Greater Chicagoland
"Your energy, vigor and overall presentation spoke to me so much, it was really the kick in the butt I needed! What really spoke to me was the statement you made about fearing having regrets about not living life to the fullest. I realized that I need to make more efforts to be “me on my best day”, and look back on the day and know that I lived life to the fullest.
Thank you so much –just for being “you” and putting all that good energy out in the world. The world is truly blessed because of people like you who have the drive and passion to share their ideology with others and inspire them to be better people. I feel like people cross our paths in life for a reason; even though it was only once that we met, you really inspired me and crossed my path when I needed inspiration most!
I’m so happy that you took the path you took –you took risks and ended up not only expressing your artistic side in the acting industry, but have also translated this to help those of us in the corporate world as well. You have truly reinvigorated my confidence that I am on the right path and that, I too, through my work every day, can effect change and inspire others. For that, I thank you!"
Jennifer Quinn, HR Manager, United Scrap Metal,Cicero, IL
"My members were inspired and entertained by Michael Allosso. Every member took value from Michael’s engaging presentation and will be better communicators and leaders as a result. As a Vistage chair, I was challenged by Michael in a unique way. He clearly practices what he teaches us. Despite his amazing accomplishments, he lives every day of his life working to be better. In four hours, he knew more about my members than I know after 5 years. This skill is learned, practiced and exercised. I was convicted by Michael’s approach to quickly connect, at a deep level, with each member.
The time I spent with Michael has changed me in a profound way. The bar has been raised and he both equipped and challenged me to be a better me. Thank you Michael for your inspiring leadership."
Tom Cuthbert, Vistage Chair
Ok, I get it, people love him......
"I would imagine many people wonder about the correlation between acting and sales when they are first introduced to the idea of working with a director such as yourself. The most profound thing I was able to walk away with is while we are all striving to deliver a consistent message about Horton, it is the manner in which each individual delivers that same message which determines how successful each individual will be. Because of that, strengthening the fundamentals of communication and one’s ability to make a connection with the prospect are the most important elements. With that solid foundation, the message (whatever it may be in any situation) should be easy to deliver and will be most effective."
Dan Horton, The Horton Group, Orland Park, Il
"I would highly recommend you to other colleagues as your topic is right on point for executives in any company. Your delivery style and the ability to read people is amazing."
Don Hairhoger, Composites One, CEO, Arlington Heights, IL
"The content is terrific, yet I am struck even more with the enthusiasm, courage and affirmation with which you teach. You modeled beautifully all of the concepts that you advocate, creating a rich learning experience."
Jack Burns, SGI, President, Indianapolis, IN
"Thank you for your Energy, Energy, Energy! at yesterdays meeting. Your style and presentation skills kept me “tuned in” during the entire 4+ hours. I wished we had more time with you."
Christopher Bettini, Director of Operations, Boracchia & Associates, Petaluma, CA
"Thanks once again for the entertaining, insightful and for the ultimately beneficial presentation that you gave…You definitely inspired me on that day, and so far for every day since."
Will Shepherd, Executive Director, Badenoch & Clark, London
"I also want to tell you that Michael’s description of how an “improv” works – whereby you have a structured system which because of the structure you can generate higher levels of creativity has been a huge eye opener to me. I have already altered 2 projects to reflect this thought and our productivity as well as the creativity increased 10x."
John Colaruotolo,, Inc, VP, Casa Larga, Fairport, NY
"Thank you so much for taking the time to meet with us last Thursday and share what I can only describe as a magical afternoon. We have had several outstanding speakers and amazing experiences together as a group, but last Thursday was, by far, the best…I was amazed how much each of us took from that afternoon, and how so many aspects resonated with us. Moreover, we each had made significant changes in our communications as a result…Truly awe-inspiring."
Shawn Twing, Barn Door Media, Burlington, VT
"Thank you, thank you, thank you. Thank you for such an outstanding job. You knew how nervous I was about our first ever speaker presentation and you hit it out of the park! You were loved, adored and perfect for our exceptionally discerning staff. They are still talking about it."
Deborah Martin, COO, Destination Management, San Diego, CA
"There is continuing talk about the value they received. Some are already planning to include your input in their upcoming sales meetings. Lots of learning, lots of impact – lots of change coming."
John Wallingford, International Chair, Vistage, Orange County, CA
My Goodness!!
"You have set the bar for speakers to my groups at a very high level. You provided tons of strategies, tips and reminders of what’s at stake when you are at the top of an organization, how to show up at your best every day and be on our “A game” every time….the feedback from members was truthful, specific and positive – more effusive than I have seen in my five years of chairing."
Charlie Hawkins, Vistage International Chair, Albuquerque, NM
"Thank you for coming to speak to V427 last week on “You on Your Best Day”. It provided an illuminating insight into the power that all of us has to present ourselves at our very best, if we commit to following your 35 tips. Your ability to demonstrate this by personal example throughout the session kept the group enthralled for the whole morning.. Several members are facing important presentations in the near future and I know they will be able to present an enhanced image as a result of your input."
Keith Millard, Vistage UK Chair, England
"The energy you bring to the room is contagious…and it’s just the right amount of energy. The content is both interesting and realistic…and doable.”
Suzanne Kochevar, President, En-Visioneering, Inc, Vistage International Chair, Excelsior, MN
"Over time we have had a substantial number of excellent speakers who you have rated highly…and deservedly so. And yet, after 193 speaker presentations to my Groups there had never been a perfect score…until this past week. Presentation number 194 was by Michael Allosso, “You On Your Best Day”. All 5’s. Congratulations to Michael. Members’ comments included: “Powerful. Engaging. One of the top speakers of all time. Top content. Well presented. Acting skills on display. Well prepared. Best I have heard in years. My gosh he was great. He handled the group well. Many items for improvement.
Thank you, Michael. Please accept this message as a well-deserved example of something you strongly advocate…
truthful, specific and positive feedback."
John Schmidts, Vistage International Chair, Rochester, NY
"This past weekend, we held our annual business owner’s retreat in Victoria, BC. Great people, weather, venue, and a fantastic time had by all. We brought in a truly unique individual, Michael Allosso from out east who, by the end of Saturday, left everyone in awe, and with a mission to strategically approach relationships and interactions with others with the intent of establishing true connections through awareness.
I invited Michael to lead our group this weekend because I worked with him in Detroit in the spring. He is probably the most impactful person I have seen at getting his message across with every single individual he comes into contact with, and I have worked with a lot of credible and talented individuals."
Kevin Armstrong, Speaker, Author of The Miracle Manager
"Your sharing of knowledge, stories, and perspective impacted 50 more lives. Specifically, mine. . With an open mind, you encouraged us to consider alternate ways to interact with people, be respectful of them (as well as ourselves,) and communicate more effectively. Those three actions will improve us to be leading examples to all we come in contact.
Our time together stoked a fire in me to continue being my best but also, and more importantly, recognize the best in others. I think that was an unexpected perk. I’m incorporating your suggestion to use a person’s name when communicating with them. It feels a bit awkward but hope my comfort will increase. Your inspiring demeanor is appreciated and I encourage you to continue sharing your knowledge, leading others to be better and leaving your mark in the world I’m a better person by fact of listening to you. Thank you from my heart."
Cindy Dekker | Sales Rep., Satellite Shelters, Inc.
SERIOUSLY? There's More?
"Positive Energy – You set the mood with the visual story of your best day. You took the room through a story that elicited from people the picture of their own possible best day as they listened to you talk about yours. Great energy connector. You immediately physically and verbally made the audience feel appreciated and that you liked them. It started by stepping on stage, pointing out specifically a number of people you were glad to see. You were grateful for being invited. You fed the participants’ energy first and then added to the energy as the audience rose to each new level. This occurred through your pacing – accelerating to get feedback from the audience, pausing as you listened, then acknowledging the response…you are a gift."
Tom Searcy, , , ofessional Speaker/Author
"I have been extremely fortunate to work with Michael in both a group setting and as a personal coach. I have also recommended team members for the personal one on one coaching. I have been to several sessions of You on Your Best Day and took away several different skills and items of personal performance improvement and awareness from each and every session. … You on Your Best Day will show every individual how to show up and be present, two things that are unfortunately missing in today’s world. His motto of “truthful, specific, positive” when giving feedback is a motto for each of us to live by every day. Michael is engaging, passionate and a session with him simply makes you want to be a better person. Fortunately he gives you the tools to move forward and do just that!"
Rae Anne Beaudry, Regional Vice President Employee Benefits, Associated Benefits and Risk Consulting
"Michael is a gifted speaker and presenter. I had the opportunity to sit in on his presentation recently at an event where we were both speaking. Michael did a masterful job of teaching and coaching the audience on skills that all presenters must have. He is not only one of the most entertaining speakers I have ever heard, he also empowered the group to think and interact with him. I would highly recommend that you consider Michael for corporate groups as well as audiences of speakers who wish to improve their presentation skills and effectiveness."
Penny Reed, Dental Speaker, Author and Coach
"I have hired Michael to support leadership development for my organization. The way Michael believes the best in people, his intimate attention to physiology, and his intense ability to give candid , direct feedback are elements that I believe make him extra-ordinary. If you are a CEO of a company, is you are a public speaker, if you want to command presence --Michael can help you achieve your goals. Thank you for the impact you have made for me and my company."
Jennifer Serti, Furturist, Strategist, Speaker
"Michael Allosso conveys a uniquely powerful message in an equally unique and powerful way. I have had Michael speak to my groups on two occasions and his work with CEOs and top executives speaks to a core human need that lives at the intersection of personal and professional performance. He has a knack for challenging, being thought provoking and delivering instruction in a method approach that is engaging and passionate. A professional encounter with Michael simply leaves people better than they were before."
Philip Liebman, CEO, AlPS
Thanks, Michael, for all you do in the world to make it a better place.
Want to know more about working with Michael?
Here's Shalanda's Experience