Be ready for razor sharp, specific feedback on your areas for improvement.
Be ready for your gifts to be identified and stretched.
And be ready to have FUN!
As we move back and forth between virtual and in person meetings and interactions, bring something new to your meetings, presentations and work life.
Customized one-on-one coaching includes preparation for formal presentations as well as day-to-day "how I show up" coaching. Under Michael’s sharp directorial eye, each individual will heighten self-awareness. Michael has real time ability to identify strengths and weaknesses and offer immediate tools to impact both professional and personal success. Clients come to Michael with a range of objectives: WORK WITH THE TEAM MEMBER WHO HAS HAD A PROBLEM CONNECTING WITH OTHERS Michael identifies and reinforces excellence and then gets to work with "carefrontation" on how the individual can interact better with the team. SPARKLE UP A FORMAL PRESENTATION FROM ITS INCEPTION OR ONE THAT HAS BEEN PERFORMED ALREADY Michael treats your presentation as a play and helps you to be your best authentic self in your storytelling and delivery. Body language, breathing, emphasis, micro messaging and sticky sentences will all be explored. Structure will be provided to foster your maximum creativity. INCREASE PRESENCE LEADING AND COMMUNICATING Whether you are an introvert or an extrovert, cultivate an authentic charismatic presence that makes you pop in YOUR personal style. Acting is believing; not pretending. How can you create your BEST believable self? With Michael’s help, you will more easily glide from your daily business interactions to your formal presentations to your performance with your family demonstrating excellence. |