In order for a new behavior to become a habit, it takes intentionality
Pick a Secret Weapon for a week and practice it.
Featured: Secret Weapon #2: Concentration & Focus
Featured: Secret Weapon #28: Take Notes
Secret Weapon #32: Status
Secret Weapon #3 Breathing
Secret Weapon #8: Listening
Secret Weapon #33: Head, Heart, Groin
Secret Weapon #19: Body Language
Secret Weapon #16: Objective
FEATURED: Secret Weapon #21: Punctuate
Secret Weapon #25: Names
Secret Weapon #30: Bookend Your Day.
Secret Weapon #31: You Outside of Work
Secret Weapon #5,6,7: TSP: Truthful, Specific, Positive Feedback®
Secret Weapon #12: Looking Good
Secret Weapon #10: Diet
Secret Weapon #18: Deal with Obstacles
Secret Weapon #5,6,7: TSP: Truthful, Specific, Positive Feedback® AND MICHAEL'S BIRTHDAY!
Secret Weapon #15: Preparation & Spontaneity
Secret Weapon #9: Humor
People often tell me they are not funny. Hey, If you have a house, a spouse, a child, a pet, a navigation system… Often sharing authentically what happened to you is funny. Often at the end of a workshop or seminar I run, I’ll ask individuals what their biggest takeaway was. Over the last few weeks, a frequent response has been “ it felt so good to laugh” or “ I haven’t laughed this much in over a year.“ now is the time to add a little lightness and humor to your meetings. Secret Weapon #27: Self-Improve
Secret Weapon #1: Energy! Energy! Energy!
Featured: Secret Weapon #23: This Sentence
Featured: Secret Weapon #24: Multi-Task But.....
Secret Weapon #26: End with Action
Secret Weapon #5,6,7: TSP: Truthful, Specific, Positive Feedback®
TSP: Truthful, Specific, Positive Feedback™
A very bright executive in a group to whom I spoke in January challenged me about TSP. He asked if people didn’t learn better from TSN...truthful, specific and NEGATIVE feedback. His “aha” was that he had just learned several ways to upgrade his performance because of TSP I gave OTHER leaders in his group. The “aha” was that I had said none of those things to HIM; yet he was now aware that they needed to be added to his toolbox. Try teaching through gathering beauty instead of only calling out the ugly. Secret Weapon #22: Ask Questions
What prevents you from getting what you want? Is it you? Others? Time? The weather? Stop focusing on these things - they are obstacles. We are faced with many obstacles in a given moment, a given day, a quarter… in our lifetime. If you think about your obstacles ahead of time, you can premeditate more adaptive tactics to help you get what you want. Each of these videos features a different location and different clothing. WHY? Capturing and maintaining the listener’s interest is paramount to making an impact and being successful. “Same old, same old” is just not cutting it. You’ve got to keep people interested: shatter people’s expectations right out of the gate. Secret Weapon #11: Exercise
Switch it up, do the unexpected, be creative. "l Iove style and fashion and, given my directorial background, location matters. Adding costume and set changes made the whole process exciting and even joyous. You can do your work and still have a blast! Add your own personal spin to your meetings and interactions." Secret Weapon # 13 : Risk Taking
Michael was asked which of the secret weapons were his favorites? He replied, "No! 😭 That’s like asking which grandkid is my favorite! 😜 So, take your pick. Can't go wrong. Secret Weapon #14: Find the Joy. Find the Fun!
Read something out loud, pausing at every punctuation mark. See how your voice changes after a pause. Change your volume, speed and/or pitch after each. Avoid vocal homogeneity by adding breaths. Replace filler words with a little bit of space and watch how much you upgrade your communication style. The most important question you can ask someone when coaching or critiquing is "what is your objective ?" You can’t offer any criticism until you find out the person’s desired result. In a prepared presentation-what do you want the audience to DO at the end? You do not want them to only think, merely feel … but DO! State out loud: “If this presentation is a success, people will....” This is your strong objective. You are much more likely to be successful if you are clear and dynamic on your objective. Secret Weapon #4: Eye Contact
Secret Weapon #34: Stakes
Secret Weapon #20: How you Talk
Every day, every meeting - formal or otherwise- we have an objective. Secret Weapon #35 is my SUPER-objective: what I want out of LIFE. Mine is that every human being I meet is going to leave better after meeting me then they were before. What is your objective in your business activities today? What is your objective in your family and social interactions today? What is your SUPER-objective in life? The answer to "What is your SUPER-objective?" is something you might need to ponder and explore. Go for it! Secret Weapon #29: Refer to Past Comments
Secret Weapon #17: Variety of Tactics
Secret Weapon #35: People Should Be Better Off